I have been providing freelance services sporadically since 2017. Some of my freelance work has been OFSTED related, safeguarding, interim management roles, fundraising and feasibilities studies. I ran this support alongside other employed roles.
Last year, after over 30 years of various experiences, and roles, it was becoming increasingly hard for me to define a single cause that I was specifically committed to, a particular skill that I wanted to use on a full time basis, or a a single business venture I wanted to help build. .
Freelance work enables me to use my range of skills and knowledge to their full potential, and be a part of resolving a diverse range of needs. I could see how freelance work wouldn't put my own skills and passions in a box, and have a greater ability to help to see more lives changed and improved, within our communities, societies and world.
As a result, I took the step that I am encouraging many people to do, which is to take steps to build a dream.